Honorary Members

Pierre Frolla

René and I share a passion for certain inescapable human values:


We lead a daily battle – to give our children the wherewithal to build a future far better than the present they risk inheriting.

So that these children inherit the strategic means to be able to construct a sustainable future.

So that today’s failures wont be their challenges of tomorrow, you fight each day to show not the way but the best way to trace it. Making them aware of the fragility of their surroundings and asking them to participate in the collection of solid waste is one of the awareness-raising actions I support.

François Sarano

« Every gesture counts! And together we can give our children the sea of our dreams! »

Consultant Doctor of Oceanology
Specialist in free-diving with great white sharks
Assistant thinker on relations between men and the marine environment
Assistant thinker on sustainable development and biological diversity
Conferences, seminar hosting

Professional diver, expedition leader and scientific advisor to Commandant Cousteau; took part in about twenty expeditions on the Calypso.

In charge of Fish Resources at WWF France and creator, with Laurent Debas, of the UEGC concept (Unités d’Exploitation et de Gestion Concertées) for sustainable management of fish resources by fishermen.

Founder of the association Longitude 181 Nature whose objective is to protect the marine environment and share its resources sustainably by building on the International Charter of Responsible Diving.

Diver, scientific advisor and co-writer of the scenario for the film Oceans directed by Jacques Perrin and Jacques Cluzaud.

Scientific advisor and co-writer of the four part series of 52’ documentaries Le people des Océans (directed by J. Perrin and J. Cluzaud). Co-author, with Stéphane Durand, of the Oceans books (Edited by Seuil). Co-author with his wife Véronique of several books and guides to Libya and Sicily (Edited by Vilo).

Photo credit: Stéphane Granzotto.

Frank Bruno

Lament for a drop of ocean water!

Wedged comfortably on the edge of a vertiginous wall, I am admiring a school of grey sharks when suddenly a little drop of ocean water taps on the glass of my mask. This is what she whispers to me:
« Couldn’t you say something to your two-legged friends. »
What’s that then? »
Every day you come and meet my inhabitants but too few of you pick up the remains of your rubbish. When it’s not a drink can, it’s a piece of fishing net, or a sheet of plastic or a fishing line that are turning the ocean bed into a cemetery. It’s not really difficult, you poor bubble-maker, to fix a bag to your dive gear and pick up what you see. Careful not to pick up a living friend, just any object from up there on the land where men rush about instead of contemplating. Well, I don’t think you have too much air left so you’d better go back up and tell them that one small gesture is an Ocean of life saved. Go on then, I’m counting on you…”
My friends, I think that the drop of ocean water’s message is clear. On the next dive, listen to her advice and let us become responsible for our brief passage to the bottom of the ocean. Pick up some rubbish and we will all become better people.»

Frank BRUNO The hop-a-long diver adventurer!

Port de plaisance

Benoit Reeves

“Film director, documentary maker, scientific mediator specialised in the realms of astronomy and the environment, I am also a musician and a conductor. René Heuzey participative ocean clean up project is totally in agreement with my deepest convictions on marine ecology.
No matter where I have been on our planet, I have been struck by coastal deterioration due to human negligence.
This simple and effective project, An Ocean of life, moves in the direction of empowerment and valorisation of positive actions.
It is therefore natural to support it.